Send a letter of complaint to BNP Paribas

Although BNP Paribas regularly communicates about human rights and promotes "ethical investments", the reality seems to be less rosy. The report of the international "Don't Buy Into Occupation" coalition describes how BNP Paribas has in recent years financed companies operating in illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territory to the tune of USD 26 billion.

Ask BNP Paribas to act accordingly with its own human rights principles/policies. If companies cannot prove that they are withdrawing from activities that are illegal under international law within a reasonable period of time, BNP Paribas must divest from the companies in question.

Send a complaint letter to BNP Paribas urging them to take action in this matter.

Dear Sir, Madam,

I am writing to you as a concerned citizen. 

Although BNP Paribas regularly communicates about human rights and promotes "ethical investments", the reality seems to be less rosy. I read in the report of the international "Don't Buy Into Occupation" coalition that BNP Paribas has in recent years financed companies operating in illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territory to the tune of USD 26 billion. 

The construction and expansion of Israeli settlements is a violation of international law. The settlements have been condemned as war crimes, are at the root of numerous human rights violations and are a central component of the Israeli apartheid regime. 

Financial institutions - like you - that support companies active in the settlements bear a heavy responsibility. According to the United Nations, financial institutions such as BNP Paribas have an “unparalleled ability” to influence business enterprises and scale up progress on the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles. 

On the contrary, however, your money makes human rights violations committed in the context of the Israeli settlement industry possible. It is therefore up to BNP Paribas to use your influence to ensure that the companies in which you invest respect international law.

I ask BNP Paribas to act accordingly with its own human rights principles and policies. Therefore, I urge you to adopt a strict policy, with an enhanced, in-depth human rights check on all financial relationships with companies active in the Israeli settlement industry. If companies cannot prove that they are withdrawing from activities that are illegal under international law within a reasonable  period of time, you must divest from the companies in question.

I also ask you to avoid future investments in companies that are involved in  settlements, through the development of a clear human rights policy that uses 'involvement in Israeli settlements' as an exclusion criterion. 

I look forward to your response to my concerns.

Kind regards,

[ your name ]

Send a letter of complaint

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Don't Buy Into Occupation